Alexis is a 3L from Denver, Colorado. She graduated from the University of Denver, where she majored in Political Science and Communication Studies. Before law school, she worked as an Administrative Assistant at a law firm.
Anayo is a 3L from Lagos, Nigeria. He graduated from Anambra State University, Nigeria with a degree in Law, and subsequently attended Nigeria Law School. Before law school, he was a practicing attorney in Nigeria, where he worked as an Assistant State Attorney at the Department of Justice, Kebbi State, Nigeria. He also served as a law clerk at a boutique law firm in Minneapolis, with a focus on business immigration.
A.J. is a 2L from Chicago, Ill. He graduated from Saint Xavier University, where he majored in Psychology and Philosophy. Before law school, he worked as a Research Assistant for a Psychology Professor and assisted her with a study about how mood affects exercise habits.
Sarah is a 2L from Khartoum, Sudan. She graduated from the University of Iowa, where she majored in English. Upon graduating undergrad, she went straight to law school. However, in the summer before law school, she worked as a professional, on-site translator between Arabic and English in legal settings.
Efe is a 3L from Yonkers, NY. She graduated from the University of Iowa, where she majored in Journalism and Mass Communication. Before law school, she volunteered at a legal non-profit.
Avery is a 2L from Omaha, Nebraska. She graduated from Tuskegee University, where she majored in Political Science.
This past summer, she worked as a Summer Associate at Koley Jessen in Omaha. In addition to BLSA, she is an Iowa Law Student Ambassador, and Director of Membership for the Midwestern Region of BLSA. In her free time, she enjoys binge watching Netflix shows, arts and crafts, and skating.
Cassandra is a 2L from Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Prairie View A&M University, where she majored in Political Science. While in undergrad, she interned at for congressional offices ands studied abroad.
This past summer, she worked as a Judicial Intern for Judge Mary Tabor of the Iowa Court of Appeals. In addition to her BLSA position, she serves as the Director of Alumni Affairs for the Midwest region of BLSA, is a Research Assistant for Dean Adrien Wing, and a is BARBRI Student Representative.